Hyena Kitchen

Tucked away in a lonely room, lit by the fire of burning screenplays, overlooking the Los Angeles suburb of Ambivalence (look for it, it's there right between Despair and Disneyland) safe in a self-imposed exhile from television, come the screams, rants, and lesser observations from the Hyena Kitchen.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Well, well, well. So Dick Cheney has taken to shooting people on hunting trips? What's wrong, puppet master, was Alex Hidell too busy over the weekend? (Goggle it if you don't know)

I find it comforting that the most dangerous man in Washington - who'd just as soon kill you, than have you disagree with him - could be brought down by starting a microwave oven. And to think, I'd never had that much use for major appliances. Say, George, since Cheney likes shooting people so much and forcing them to change their ideology, how about we send him to Iraq and bring our boys home? I see this as your way out of the whole "weapons of mass distraction" fiasco. You end the war and Cheney gets to oversee all of his financial investments. As they say in the ad game, George, it's a win win situation.

Side note, while I'm pissing everyone else off, might as well alienate myself from South Texas. What happened to the days when County Sheriffs had balls? The deputy sent out to interview Cheney (SOP when investigating any shooting) was turned away by the Secret Service, who refused to let the deputy see him. The old days the Sheriff's office would have arrested them all for obstruction of justice - if it had been a real news story. . .

. . . but the entire incident is not news - it's an accident, orchestrated by the Puppetmaster (held back and leaked to the press, just like a West Wing episode) to become a "news" story and again take attention away from real news, like Scooter Libby's leak testimony.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I am usually the first person in the room to make a joke about religion – because if it is really, really funny, then it is not offensive. Yeah, sure some people - you know the ones who are always offended – will get bent about it, but always we say lighten up folks it’s a fucking joke. But if it’s not funny, then it IS offensive. Offensive to the group it’s demeaning, and offensive to the comedy it’s diminishing.

I read the Dutch political cartoons that are stirring up “today’s” protest and you know what, I was offended, not by their content, but by the total lack of humor. What a waste of time. The Islamic community needs to take this into account and consider the source – a third rate Danish tabloid that didn’t have a worldwide readership of much than about two thousand. But it’s the editors of this Danish rag, who owe us all an apology for wasting our precious controversy time with talentless drivel – but then I thought the Dixie Chicks owed us all apology for cowtowing to Bush and I didn’t get it, so there.

Consider the United States, where we have micro-managed our personal freedoms to the point where we can believe in the deity du jour with one hand, while taking shots at everybody else with the other. It’s our (insert personal preference here) given right. Still, it doesn’t stop every 3% of the population from getting their collective panties in a wad and demanding a retraction or apology. It is the responsibility inherent to the field publishing and ultimately the job of an editor to either refuse material based on its’ content or to stand by what it put in print. We at the mercy of publishers who can’t beyond their checkbook and no talent ass-clowns that can’t spell check much less edit an article. So get use to it, no one in the media holds any responsibility.

Speaking of no-talent ass-clowns, let me say (and this is merely one of whole bundle of things that have been offending me lately) Oprah! Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, you are just a talk show host – if you read a book and enjoy it, tell you viewers, have the author on as a guest, but you have no business putting your name on a book unless you’ve written it. And you certainly have no business trying ruin years of someone’s work because you felt duped when all was said and done. If you feel embarrassed that you publicly supported Frey’s work and then it fell from grace in your eyes, talk it over with Dr. Phil and leave the rest of us out of it. Personally, I see your sticker on a book and I know to stay away from it – sort of like the little Chinese lantern hanging from a car’s rearview mirror. I’m that Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night is listed as fiction; I’d hate to see you go through that trauma a second time. I can’t remember, was Roots a novel? Perhaps you should stick to tried and true non-fiction works like, oh I don’t know, say the Bible?

I’ve pissed off enough people here today, my work is done. I’m out. Peace.