Hyena Kitchen

Tucked away in a lonely room, lit by the fire of burning screenplays, overlooking the Los Angeles suburb of Ambivalence (look for it, it's there right between Despair and Disneyland) safe in a self-imposed exhile from television, come the screams, rants, and lesser observations from the Hyena Kitchen.

Monday, January 09, 2006

People are always trying to get me to talk about my stand-up comedy days. Most of the time I feel — with apologizes to the Vegas Tourist Bureau — the old roadie rule applies. — "What happens on the road stays on the road." Last March, Mitch Hedberg, a brilliant comic, was found dead in his motel room — today, someone showed me the news that I had feared — he died from an overdose of heroin and cocaine. Damn!

You know, applause and laughter is a drug, the most wonderful high I have ever experienced. Too bad it doesn't last all the back to the silence of the motel room. That's the killer and probably why I love and remember so fondly all the comics I've worked with. We all shared that silence. That's the real reason I won't talk about it.

2005 was a hard year for everyone, comedy included. We started off with the loss of Johnny Carson and we are wrapped it up with the passing of Richard Pryor — both men greatly influential on me wanting to stand, by myself, armed with nothing but a microphone, and hope someone would laugh. Carson taught me patience and timing. Pryor taught me not to be afraid. I miss them all.


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