George, George, George. I was planning to write today about how much I missed my old Labor Day tradition of the old Long Beach Blues Festival, but you had to hold press conference this morning, didn't you? What are you trying to slip passed us now? Every time you have tried this "fast action" tactic of yours, it's been something we have come to regret. Trying to flip Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement, John Roberts' nomination to that of Supreme Court Justice, is right up there with telling us that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction." We are in the midst of a national disaster that will define what kind of America we live in, while you are taking steps to define what kind of America you and yours think it should be. Is it your hope that Hurricane Katrina is enough of a distraction that you can push this nomination through the Senate, or is this to distract citizens from lack of response to the victims of Katrina.
I realize that this year's Supreme Court session begins four weeks from today, so there is an urgency to seat a full court, but switching Roberts' nomination to that of Chief Justice demands a need for a more in-depth and impartial examination of his record. This man who is anti-women and anti-civil rights, is your kind of man, I know, but as Chief Justice — who plays a critical role in setting the direction of the Supreme Court and on the freedoms and liberties that Americans cherish — he's not.
And while NOW President, Kim Gandy calls Roberts' nomination "an outrage and an insult to women," no one has mentioned the disrespect it shows to the woman at the center of all this, Justice O'Connor. In her resignation, she said she would remain until the confirmation of her replacement. In switching Robert's nomination, Bush is forcing O'Connor to occupy her seat until he finds another replacement in a "timely manner." Justice O'Connor is stepping down to be with her husband, and forcing her to remain on the court makes light of the service and sacrifice she has already made.
I urge everyone to call or write their Senator and express the need to move through this nomination process with care. This will effect the landscape of America for years to come. The rights to privacy and fundamental freedoms that we ALL share are in jeopardy with this nomination.
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